Been a long time since I updated this space here.. I have had so many other
projects going at the same time I have negelected one of my favorite
spaces. Embarrassed  Hope to be able to keep this place going with new and
interesting spaces. One popped into mind lately..
JoAnn is a retired, married, mother of two and grandma of 5!
She lives in Texas, loves to cook and sew quilts.
She writes very interesting tidbits on her space about her
life and her family.  She has only  had her space since Feb of 2008,
but has plenty to say.  You will love her short little stories of
her life.. Her Photo Albums are full of treasures. She has made the most
wonderful quilts I have ever seen. Be sure to check them out!!
 Here is a recent sample from her blog…..
"She was not a woman of stature and rail thin.   Her hair was thinning and turning gray. 
 Her dresses were ankle length and drab in color.  She wore a white bibbed apron tied
at the back of her waist.  She had spunk and grit and was loved by my grandparents
and their children.  We called her Aunt Emma – she was a woman of color
 – she was a part of our family."  
There is so much more .. stop by Jo Ann’s space today and check it out..
You will love it!!    


I was a caregiver for the elderly on and off for over 30 years.I am now retired and enjoying a new life. I love blogging and have kept a personal journal for 40 years. I enjoy the freedom of being creative and interacting with the millions of other bloggers in the world.I love learning the new things that the computer world has to offer. I have made friends that will last a lifetime blogging, something I never ever thought would happen. I hope you enjoy my blog,and will continue to visit me in the future.
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9 Responses to JO ANN’S SPACE

  1. Beth says:

    I have been visiting with JoAnn for several months now.  You described her perfectly.  Lovely lady, heartwarming posts!

  2. Miss Beth says:

    Have recently found this wonderful space myself and it is as wonderful as you describe here. A place you dont want to miss. She is just fabulous and i love reading her post.

  3. ♥ Aimee says:

    heading over there…♥~♥ :oD because you shared a smile…someone’s day got brighter… :oD ♥~♥

  4. Texas says:

    Heading over there too….thanks for the link.

  5. Miss Beth says:

    i agree   this is a wonderful space and lovely lady !!!!

  6. CAROL says:

    This space has now closed too. It’s a real shame as it was a lovely one to visit and a wonderful woman to know. : (

  7. Rambling says:

    JoAnn has been gone for quite a while. I miss her still as she was fun and her comments were even funnier. There are several I miss just as much who, like JoAnn decided for FB.

  8. Cindy says:

    JoAnn, like Linda B both quit because they weren’t able to get into their own space. Like I said before…no wonder people leave spaces…especially if they can’t update their own space.

  9. Rambling says:

    I could not have known that.

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